Software In Business

Information technology can be an successful way to make your business more productive and profitable.

Whether it’s integrating your operations, intensifying your marketing abilities, better managing receivables or improving supply chain management, the suitable technology can dramatically improve how you run your business.

While technology often requires an investment, the long-term advantages usually far outweigh the initial costs.

Here are several commonly used software to boost a business’s bottom line. We are one of the top software companies in Kochi, which provide complete business solution soft wares.

Accounting software

Accounting software can help you keep track of all your transactions, billing and general ledger.

For most businesses, basic business accounting software will probably meet your needs. If you do business in more than one nation, or if you want your accounting software integrate with functions other than accounting, then you might require more complex, higher-end systems. We develop all types of software according to client’s requirement.

Supply Chain Management / Inventory Management

Supply chain or inventory management software helps you automate your operations and track information about orders and deliveries. This helps you foresee supply and demand more accurately and ensure that your inventory can cover client orders.

Other benefits include reducing mistakes by automating transactions, speeding up deliveries to customers, reducing warehouse space requirements through better inventory control and decreasing administrative costs by bringing automated systems.

Advanced systems can integrate with your accounting and invoicing systems so that all your software use the same set of data. Wahy Lab Solutions, is a software development company in Kochi, which provide all inventory management software.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software

Customer relationship management (CRM) software improves your awareness into customer needs and behavior as well as the management of your relationships with clients.

Benefits include an improved ability to foresee client’s needs based on historic trends, targeted marketing that reaches specific audiences and increased sales through better client relationships.

Human Resources Management

HR software can help you manage your personnel records, automate your payroll and benefits and help you schedule your employees. These applications can also help with enrolling and retention strategies as well as with employee development.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Software

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) system is a suite of integrated applications that allow companies to automate, manage and inspect many of its business processes.

Company activities that are typically covered by such a software include:

Sales/Marketing/Client management
Inventory control
Human Resources

Before you purchase an ERP software, it’s important that you create a detailed list of your requirements and purchase for the right system for your needs. You can get our help to guide your system selection process at Wahy Lab Solutions.

Enterprise social networks and collaboration platforms

Enterprise social network platforms and engagement platforms help employees engage with one another, collaborate and exchange information. This allows them to be more productive and innovative.

However, for these systems to be used and productive, company leadership need to take the lead in showing their value.

Wahy is one of the best software development company in Kochi, Kerala, which you can always depend for your any technical needs.

Cloud Computing

Do you know anything about cloud computing ? Lets discuss about Cloud Computing.

We can define Cloud Computing as ;
It is the transmission of different services through the internet. They include tools and applications like data storage, servers, databases, networking, and software.

Cloud computing makes a great deviation from traditional businesses think about IT resources. There are some reasons for why organizations changing to cloud computing because of its advantages. Some of them are;

  1. Security
  2. Speed
  3. Productivity
  4. Cost
  5. Global Scale

Also there are some different types of cloud computing ;

  1. Public cloud

    Public clouds are owned and operated by a third-party cloud service providers, which deliver their computing resources like servers and storage over the Internet. With a public cloud, all hardware, software, and other supporting infrastructure is owned and managed by the cloud provider. You access these services and manage your account using a web browser.

  2. Private cloud

    A private cloud refers to cloud computing resources used exclusively by a single business or organization. A private cloud can be physically located on the company’s on-site data center. A private cloud is one in which the services and infrastructure are maintained on a private network.

  3. Hybrid cloud

    Hybrid clouds combine public and private clouds, bound together by technology that allows data and applications to be shared between them. By allowing data and applications to move between private and public clouds, a hybrid cloud gives your business greater flexibility, more deployment options, and helps optimize your existing infrastructure, security, and compliance.

The World of Business Cloud Computing

Most of Businesses uses cloud computing in different ways. Some users maintain all apps and data on the cloud, while others use a hybrid model, keeping certain apps and data on private servers and others on the cloud.

When it comes to providing services, the big players in the corporate computing sphere include:

  • Google Cloud
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • Microsoft Azure
  • IBM Cloud
  • Aliyun

Security Risks of Cloud computing

There are also a disadvantage side for every function. This also may affect us in negative way, Security has always been a big concern with the cloud especially when it comes to sensitive medical records and financial information. While regulations force cloud computing services to shore up their security and compliance measures, it remains an ongoing issue. Encryption protects vital information, but if that encryption key is lost, the data disappears. Some online threats include;

  • Data Breaches
  • Hijacking of Accounts
  • Insider Threat
  • Malware Injection
  • Abuse of Cloud Services
  • Insecure APIs

Use of technology in small business

1. Make Yourself Visible With A Website

A strong, clean website is a mark of professionalism. In addition to the site, creating profiles on social media can help to attract new clients as well.

A website also increases the chances you’ll be found on search engines. So use SEO practices to enhance your Google presence. We are one of the top web development company in Ernakulam, Kerala, India.

2. Reach Out With Social Media

Social media is an effective way to build stronger communications with your customers.This helps build trust and position between you and customer.

3. Use a Smartphone or Tablet to Stay Connected

If you’re in a business where clients require to reach you easily, having a smartphone or tablet is a wise investment so people can reach you no matter where you go.

4. Simplify Billing With Online Systems

If you’re providing bills to clients or follow expenses, an effective systems is essential. Online programs are accessible and affordable. Most interfaces are easy and accessible from any computer or mobile device.Use of a Project Management or Calendar System

5. Use of a Project Management or Calendar System

When you’re regularly managing appointments and files for clients, keeping everything you need organized and centralized is crucial. A calendar, such as the one that comes with Outlook or Google Apps for Business, or a project system like BaseCamp is a good way to organize things. Every team member can access their schedules, client documents, and share updates.

6. Email Newsletters

Regularly publishing a newsletter through email is one of the best ways to connect with and build your audience.Select topic on which the audience are interested to learn about without much hardships

7. Consider a Server or Cloud Storage

Your business will be having important records or files, make sure that your computers are running backup software. In a case of any system crash, making a hard copy or storing in a cloud storage can be done.

For more blogs, visit WahyLabsSolution

5 Ways to improve Cyber Security

Keeping software and systems updated with the latest patches limits their vulnerability to cyber attacks. Using the security features that come with your apps supplements other security measures you have in place.

“Anytime, anywhere” has become the mantra of today’s enterprise working classes. Employees in remote and home offices and on the road stay beneficial using applications in the cloud, collaboration tools, and personal devices tied into their corporate network.

But as IT expands to reach a far-flung workforce, it is exposed to more risks. Many companies have implemented enhanced security across their networks to help protect data. But even with stepped-up measures, there are some easy ways you and your staff can help safeguard your IT environment. Here are five suggestions.

1.Enforce password rules
Strong passwords are one of the first steps of defense against breaches and changing them occasionally may help keep hackers out. But most people will not voluntarily update their passwords, even when prompted. Make regular password updates mandatory and teach them how to create and remember strong passwords.

2. Update regularly

Any connection to the Internet is unsafe, and it’s a key feature hackers try to exploit. Always keep every connection, operating system, and application up to date with patches and enhancements. Implementing software and system security updates promptly limits possible exposure to vulnerabilities.

3. Implement VPNs for all connections

Networks that are protected only by generic security methods are more vulnerable to attack. Implement VPN connections between office area and make their use easy—and mandatory—for mobile workers who may connect through public Wi-Fi services.

4.Retire all unused services
When limited-duration products expire, decommission the applications, logins, and user credentials linked with them. In cases when you don’t use all available feature of a UC deployment, such as a video chat function, turn it off to further control unauthorized access to the enterprise.

5.Leverage existing security options
Some applications come with their own security features. While it’s still very important to implement additional safeguards, sellers know their own products and typically devote significant resources to deliver a safe area for customers. Find out what security measures are included with your software and use them to the fullest extent in conjunction with other security you having.

Future of Digital Marketing

We’re entering into the 4th digital marketing framework — the first was in 2000 — and there are things your business can do to prepare for coming disruption.

What Is Digital Marketing 4.0?

The previous frameworks includes websites, email campaigns, digital advertisements, basic social media management and basic blog publishing. It only concentrates on increasing traffic to websites but has no focus on lead conversion and proper online lead qualification. This recent iteration, though, includes:

More Integrated Global Marketing: Both inbound and outbound marketing should now be combined. In comparison to cold-calling, consider this “warm-calling.” For example, after someone reads a blog on your site, follow it up with an email sharing more meaningful content.

A Cohesive Marketing Technology Stack: Marketing is not about the productive aspect alone anymore. Marketing infrastructure needs to be designed and integrated correctly. One social media tool alone will not save you, nor will one CRM tool be the solution to a challenge anymore. Study your full stack and how it can work together.

Evolving Marketing Roles: Digital change is no longer limited to the CIO. Your CMO now requires it more than ever. The CMO should know more about the possibilities of implementing marketing automation to not only help execute on the marketing playbooks but also to help CIO’s measure a full, end-to-end ROI.

Omnichannel Marketing Strategy: This hold deep analytics and data mining, such as AI and machine learning. Omnichannel marketing brings a diversity in mediums when it comes to broadcasting your brand and value-add. Focusing only on one medium can be limiting, especially if your customers don’t exist on that channel.

A Focus On Account-Based Marketing (B2B): Account-based selling should be an essential part of your digital marketing process even if you are a B2B,SaaS or a modern managed service provider (MSP). This will be the key changer between B2C and B2B organizations in 2017 and beyond.

Understanding What Drives Disruption

While working in a Fortune 100 company for nine years before moving to lead my current team, I became fascinated by buyer behavior. What kinds of digital offerings most deeply engage buyers in their digital lives? I started by looking at some case studies of the products, services and experiences that had been embraced and adopted by buyers during the first two decades of the internet. Over a period of 7 years working on inbound marketing expeditions, what I found was a recurring pattern of three behaviors that drove the acceptance of new digital experiences, which I call the three core actions of a network:


Consumers are trying to interact with digital content and access digital data as quickly and as conveniently as possible. Any offering that increases this access is incredibly compelling. Think of text messaging on old mobile phones, which revolutionized communications with the ability to receive and send messages from anywhere and at anytime.


Once consumers can get this content, they want to engage with something that fits their needs and is sensory and reciprocal — from the early publicity of web portals to the spread of online video, to the coming generation virtual realities. Their digital wants are marked by a thirst for content. The old media motto that “content is king” is correct. There is no question that the desire to engage with content is a key of customer behavior.

How are you changing mass online marketing to one-to-one interaction and engagement in your online marketing plans? How do we become a source of valued content for your customer? Always target on the customer care. Be consultative in your conversation. Seek to ask and go broad into a prospect’s business challenge, and be very honest in your marketing expeditions to ensure you are progressively qualifying the prospect.


Consumers seek to customize their experiences by choosing and altering a wide assortment of information, products and services. In a time period, customers have gone from having a handful of television channel options to a digital world with more than a trillion web pages. They have been trained by their digital networks to expect more options for choice, and they like this. From Pandora’s personalized radio streams to Google’s search bar that anticipates search terms, customers are drawn to increasingly customized experiences.

Summarizing, whether you are a B2B or B2C business, building the buyer’s journey is very critical when building your marketing engine.